The Yawman Arrow: 3D Printed Flight Sim Controller

In the world of flight simulation, precision and realism are paramount. Yawman Flight, in collaboration with MotoCilino Engineering Services, has embarked on a journey to create the Yawman Arrow handheld flight simulator controller. This controller blends the familiarity of a traditional gaming joypad with the intricate flight controls found in real aircraft, offering enthusiasts and aviation professionals an unparalleled experience.

The Yawman Arrow: 3D Printed Flight Sim Controller
Gamepad with flight controls. (Image Credit: Yawman Flight)

The Yawman Arrow project faced the daunting task of rapid development without the burden of costly injection molding. This challenge was overcome with the use of resin printing technology.

Collaborating with MotoCilino Engineering Service, Yawman Flight underwent an astonishing 17 design iterations, swiftly culminating in a final prototype consisting of 36 distinct components, all 3D printed using high-performance resin. The choice of this 3D printing method was driven by its reliability and the exceptional print quality achieved, closely mirroring the mechanical properties of injection-molded ABS.

printed parts
The 36 printed parts of the controller. (Image Credit: Yawman Flight)

Notably, this 3D printing method reduced component delivery times significantly compared to other desktop SLA printers. The finished Yawman Arrow controller boasted an injection molded-like surface finish and mechanical performance.

In the demanding flight simulation industry, where realism reigns supreme, the Yawman Arrow has set a new standard, raising the bar of flight simulation thanks to additive manufacturing and a touch of human factors.


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