Kind Designs Raises $5M for 3D Printed Living Seawalls

In a bid to combat shoreline erosion and surge flooding while preserving the environment, Miami-based startup Kind Designs has secured $5 million in seed funding. The investment, co-led by GOVO Venture Partners, M4 Investing, and the Florida Opportunity Fund, propels Kind Designs toward its mission of deploying their 3D printed seawalls, aptly named “Living Seawalls.”

Kind Designs Raises $5M for 3D Printed Living Seawalls
Printed coral-like seawalls. (Image Credit: Kind Designs)

Traditionally, seawalls have been both costly and ecologically harmful. However, Kind Designs’ innovative approach promises to change all of that. By employing 3D printing, they aim to produce 95% of seawalls more affordably while emulating the natural designs of coral reefs and mangroves, fostering biodiversity and enhancing water quality. Moreover, these Living Seawalls will feature embedded sensors to provide real-time data on pH levels and water temperature.

Anya Freeman, the CEO and founder of Kind Designs, emphasized the pivotal role played by Florida-based investors who intimately understand the region’s vulnerability to rising sea levels. The local connections provided by these investors have been instrumental in bringing Kind Designs’ vision to life.

The funding injection will accelerate seawall production, a critical need given the $4 million in purchase orders awaiting fulfillment. As the world grapples with sea level rise due to climate change, Kind Designs stands poised to revolutionize the industry and become a market leader in ecologically responsible seawalls.

Freeman, inspired by her involvement in Peter Diamandis’ program, Abundance360, recognizes the immense potential of large-scale 3D printing technology in addressing climate change-related challenges. With the funding secured, Kind Designs is one step closer to turning its dream of widespread 3D-printed seawalls into a reality, not just in Miami but across the globe.

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Thanks to this injection of cash, the future could see Miami’s waterways adorned with Living Seawalls, teeming with life, and serving as a model for sustainable coastal protection worldwide. The company’s initial deployment will take place at a commercial property on the Miami River.


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