French Collaboration To Boost UAE 3D Printing Announced at ADIPEC

Two French entities, Spare Parts 3D (SP3D) and Trouvay & Cauvin Group (T&C), have announced a partnership to expedite additive manufacturing for spare parts in the UAE. It was announced at the ADIPEC conference in Abu Dhabi, and the move aims to support industrial decarbonisation objectives in the region.

SP3D, a startup, offers DigiPART, a machine-learning tool that digitizes spare parts, allowing clients to determine and harness AM’s benefits in curbing carbon footprints in supply chains. With this collaboration, T&C, known for its prowess in project supply chain management and inventory digitalisation, will distribute SP3D’s software and services.

French Collaboration To Boost UAE 3D Printing Announced at ADIPEC
DigiPART stand at ADIPEC. (Image Credit: SP3D)

“Additive manufacturing is becoming a real alternative in the industrial world and the benefits are significant when it comes to economic, sustainability and in-country value,” said Frederic Marchand, Executive Director of T&C.

“As a continuous innovator in the Energy sector, T&C is glad to welcome SP3D to its portfolio and help disrupt (the) industrial spare part supply chain!”

Olivier Mathey, SP3D’s Vice President of Sales, highlighted the rapid uptake of AM in the UAE and expresses appreciation for T&C’s sectoral knowledge.

The partnership between SP3D and T&C may lead to more efficient supply chains, with an emphasis on sustainable production in the UAE’s industrial landscape.

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