4WEB Medical Launches Printed Spinal Implant Plating Solution

4WEB Medical, an orthopedic implant company headquartered in Frisco, Texas, has made a significant stride in the field of medical technology with the official release of its Cervical Spine Plating Solution (CSTS-PS). The company, known for its pioneering Truss Implant Technology (pictured below), has expanded its product lineup to encompass cervical spine solutions, marking a strategic move towards a more comprehensive orthopedic portfolio.

4WEB Medical Launches Printed Spinal Implant Plating Solution
Range of printed spine implants. (Image Credit: 4WEB Medical)

The Cervical Spine Truss System (CSTS) introduces an ingenious structural design that incorporates 4WEB Medical’s proprietary Truss Implant Technology. This design demonstrates its prowess under normal loading conditions by efficiently transferring strain to nearby cellular material, subsequently triggering a mechanobiological response. The CSTS-PS’s capability to stimulate such responses holds promise for enhancing patient outcomes.

“By adding the Cervical Spine Plating Solution to 4WEB’s existing interbody device offering, the company continues to demonstrate its commitment to investing in further development of a comprehensive cervical portfolio,” said Geoff Bigos, Vice President of 4WEB’s Spine Division.

Moreover, 4WEB Medical has laid out plans to further enrich its cervical offerings, with the imminent introduction of an integrated anchor fixation system and a standalone integrated plate. Both products will complement the currently available stand-alone cervical offering, providing a variety of cervical fusion construct options for surgeons.

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منبع: https://3dprinting.com/news/4web-medical-launches-printed-spinal-implant-plating-solution/

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